User undercover Banned

"Our Culture is Not Your Costume!" 91 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
i'm certainly not near being an authority on what is a real issue or not, i'm just a guy who thinks all this modern activism is directed to problems which are far less significant than some others which stay ignored because they require some self sacrifice in order to actually combat. it's so much easier to whine on the internet that barbies are sexist than it is to protest the fact that 75% of nigerian girls are married before 18. also, fighting for the rights of some poor opressed person in africa brings far less benefits to you then fighting for some contrived bullshit about social media or whatever does, right?
New @ Mention Feature! 143 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
Snow white on spring break 9 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
because nsfw means not safe at work and if you were caught at work looking at some basically nude teens you'd be in pretty big trouble
"Our Culture is Not Your Costume!" 91 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
because theyre trivial as fuck. instead of trying to make humanity think fat people are sexy (humans have found morbid obesity ugly for millenia, because it's a sign of unhealthiness and perhaps genetic problems), why not go on a fuckign diet. why change millions of years of evolution just cuz you're too lazy to not eat that fifth whopper?! see how fuckign stupid this shit is?
New @ Mention Feature! 143 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
mhm yet you never once got me.
You're not you when you hunger 4 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
FUCK your right. things like 'ruin' and 'desolation' are a state of being, which means that they are nows. fixing original comment.
"Our Culture is Not Your Costume!" 91 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
The 'freethenipple' idiots aren't fighting against a real social issue. Those people who think that we need plus size models are not fighting against a real issue. Those people just want something to be butthurt about and for the world to conform to their views.
"Our Culture is Not Your Costume!" 91 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
Treatment of women in middle eastern third world countries is a serious social issue. Feeling offended that girl toys are pink is not a real issue
Don't Make Up Excuses 24 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
Ok you're obviously illiterate. I'm ending this here.
"Our Culture is Not Your Costume!" 91 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
its funny because im not an anti-feminist, im anti-thirdwave feminism. i actually genuinedly care about REAL social issues, and hate people who abuse this once-noble cause for thei r own benefit
New @ Mention Feature! 143 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
see you later
"Our Culture is Not Your Costume!" 91 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
its funny when 'feminists' talk about a non-existent wage gap (consitently been disproven, feminists jsut ignore facts), and complain about the media sexualizing women (even though every 'sexualized' woman in media is being sexualized voluntarily, in return for payment, menaign that they are sexualizing themselves), yet completely ignore real problems such as the fact that women are basically livestock in Saudi Arabia.
New @ Mention Feature! 143 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
probably cuz you left to lick your wounds sooner than most. at least you know when to admit defeat, which is something i cannot say for most people here.
New @ Mention Feature! 143 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
I've 'argued' with you on some of my multiple man accounts
· Edited 8 years ago
Don't Make Up Excuses 24 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
You do realized that there are dark-skinned indian immigrants too, right? You do understand that most immigrants are more of a minority than black people are, right? (Asians make up 5.6% of USA, Black people make up 13.2%). I'm not blaming minorities for being minorities, on the contrary, I'm showing examples of successful minorities, then comparing them to black culture. I'm explaining why the reason black people are generally less successful than everyone (not just white people) is because of flaws within their culture. You, of course, chose to NOT READ ANYTHING I WROTE, and you CONSTANTLY delude yourself into thinking that I hate all minorities and that im some KKK member. You seriously need to learn how to LISTEN to those who disagree with you, or you WILL fail in life, you deslusional fuck.
New @ Mention Feature! 143 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
Ok, person who I've proven wrong multiple times.
A smart man knows his limits 19 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
A smart man knows his limits 19 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
It's not safe for 'work' (even though most people here are 13)
New @ Mention Feature! 143 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
And I seriously don't understand how banning me is a good thing if I just keep coming back lmao. all that happens is my name changing
New @ Mention Feature! 143 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
Cuz I don't agree with their opinions and they can't handle it. For example: aeacus tried to prove that I was wrong in that 'find four words to ruin a date's post, then got destroyed because A) they aren't intelligent enough to beat me an a 'debate' B) they were letting their lust for my defeat become super clear, making me want to rek them even more C) they tried saying that I just complain and I didn't even participate in the actual challenge of the post, even though I did, making them look like a fool trying to do ANYTHING to prove me wrong. Rwby_rose is pissed at me because I annihilated her multiple times in my past accounts, which is why she isn't trying to argue with me anymore. Anyway, they, and people like them, feel threatened when a person who disagrees with them doesn't disappear after they spout ad hominem and other unintelligible arguments towards them.
· Edited 8 years ago
A smart man knows his limits 19 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
Cuz they're all basically naked, even though at this point this is considered modest work attire
A smart man knows his limits 19 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
Her belly isn't bulging out like a pregnant woman's would. She's just fat
A smart man knows his limits 19 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
Don't Make Up Excuses 24 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
Yes instead they just came from extremely shitty and impressive countries. Modern black people don't need to stick to the past. Slavery and institutionalized racism has been abolished for decades now. There are a fuck ton of programs dedicated to helping black kids get an education, to help then actually be something. But most choose drugs and gangs. Immigrants, on the other hand, had no helping hand, came from a shithole country that treated them worse than America treats black people today, AND didn't know the language. Yet most of them are software engineers and doctors. The act of blaming white people for drug/gang culture is an example of why the black community has such a hard time improving. They(not all black people, just in general) blame others for their problems and want the government to fix them for them. This leads to their inability to identify and solve real problems prevalent in their society.
Don't Make Up Excuses 24 comments
undercover · 8 years ago
Actually it's caused alot by gang/drug culture, blaming whites for many problems, and more government reliance than any other race. Immigrants who came to America twenty to thirty years ago, who didn't even know english, faced far more adversity than most black people born and raised in America, yet they've managed to achieve far more success in a far shorter amount of time. Im not saying black people in general are bad or anything, I'm just saying that their culture is bringing them down.