

— Rapunzel Report User
Honey I think we all want to have sex with Ryan 10 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
When I got mine out I started talking to my imaginary friend in the back seat who told me my mom was trying to kidnap me, and I then attempted to bail out of the car while on the highway.
Europe right now 17 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
I guess I'm going to be "that person" and ask someone to explain this please?
Goerge R R Martin 9 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
How many books are there in the series so far?
Please help us stop the ban against pit bulls! 29 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
A and B. Funny how a dog that isn't even a pit-bull attacks a person (or dog) and the media callssaid dog a pitbull.
C. Pit-bulls aren't inherently fighting dogs. They were used as fighting dogs because they are tenacious and have strong jaws. However, any dog can be trained to fight and a pitbull who isn't trained to fight (just like any other dog) won't go around fighting.
D. See points A/B and C. Also, pit-bulls are wonderful family dogs and if they are raised right (just like any other dog) then they are great with kids. There is a long list of dead and maimed children from other breeds as well.
F. Oh, I'm sorry but I think you may be confused. I believe that you are the delusion, self-absorbed, self-important, imbecile that forces your arrogant, narrow mind, egotistic, and ignorant opinions on others. You're the type of person that makes me hate humans; making something else suffer because of your selfishness.
Please help us stop the ban against pit bulls! 29 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
The ban basically means that people are no longer allowed to breed any pit bulls and they cannot bring any new pit bull in. However, ones that people already own wouldn't be taken away. But, yes, they are going to ban bringing in even nice ones.
Please help us stop the ban against pit bulls! 29 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
So there is a pit bull ban that is taking place in the states and they are considering putting one in British Columbia, Canada. People are rallying together to try and stop these bans, but it'll only make a difference if enough people oppose it. Pit-bulls aren't inherently bad dogs; people have given them a bad name and people need to fix it.
world's first white ligers 12 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
Possible but not natural, as in not occuring in nature. Therefor, they are artificial.
Remember when this was the ultimate comeback 7 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
Everytime I heard someone say that, I got the sudden urge to punch them.
One photo, million words 11 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
We have a pit-bull and she is honestly one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met. She is really gentle with all the foster kittens and puppies we bring home; they crawl all over her. And our other dog is a pit-bull/lab rescue and she's had several small dogs attack her and never once fought back. It's really all about how you raise them, just as it is with every other breed.
My childhood felt real 19 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
Okay, fair enough! But my problem isn't with technology, it's with the overuse of technology.
Not my cat 19 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
Hm, nope, I don't think so!
My childhood felt real 19 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
There have been many studies demonstrating the negative effects that too much technology has had on the growth and development of children's brains. So, while I don't think that technology is purely negative (it has many positive traits), it has certainly caused a lot of problems. And I don't think children 20 years from now will be happy to say that the best memories the have with their parents, siblings, and friends is staring mindlessly at a screen.
My childhood felt real 19 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
I know! I mean, technology is great but it's been proven to be bad for young children (or anyone, really) to be on it for too long. It makes me sad when I walk by an empty playground. Or when I babysit my neighbours kids, who never want to do anything except watch a movie.
*sighs* Oh, Jensen. ♥ 15 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
His face is like "oh fuck, not again."
Dave franco 13 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
That smirk is probably why he keeps getting those parts.
Sometimes it's better 3 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
I feel like this is meant to be funny . . . But it's so true that it hurts.
They deleted my picture last time. Here we go 40 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
I just watched a (rather long) snapchat story of my two best friends hanging out. Us three used to do everything together . . . So I guess that I'm that friend now.
Truth 14 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
I beg to differ. You don't need to be anorexic to think that about yourself; there's this little thing called low self-esteem. Quite frankly, I'm tired of people throwing around the word anorexic like it isn't a serious illness.
Can You Really Love Two People At Once Though 10 comments
rapunzel · 8 years ago
This is why I've never understood love triangles. Because in my opinion if you can't decide then you obviously don't truly love either of them.
Look what we found at Hollywood Studios! 36 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
Yeah, but it didn't change him right away. It took a very long time. And I wasn't talking about his heart, I was talking about his personality.
Look what we found at Hollywood Studios! 36 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
I think that Henry breakibg the pen symbolized that there is no more author. But with OUAT you never really know. What I'm curious about is Emma, because being The Dark One didn't instantly change Rumple, so I imagine that Emma shouldn't be instantly changed either. Or am I forgetting something from the earlier seasons? I'm wondering if they're going to do a time jump.
Look what we found at Hollywood Studios! 36 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
I feel like Henry is going to become more important in Season 5. I really want a story for Hook beyond Emma, and I would love to see more of Belle!
So true 4 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
Right, because it's completely implausible that I be happy and single.
There is no such thing 24 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
Glad I'm not the only one! I mean, so what? You're telling me that guys can wear their pants down to their knees but god forbid my bra strap shows? Screw that!
Anyone feels like this sometime? 20 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
This speaks to me on a spiritual level.