The face on this Swiss cheese

The face on this Swiss cheese

Diner sign I saw the other day

Diner sign I saw the other day

It’s no longer possible to see this, as buildings outside block the sun. Grand Central,

It’s no longer possible to see this, as buildings outside block the sun. Grand Central,

Abortive tyrannical useless

Abortive tyrannical useless

Brains stop working

Brains stop working

I drew a blue footed boobie

I drew a blue footed boobie

Jaden Smith practicing the bell kick scene for the Karate Kid(2010) with Jackie Chan

Jaden Smith practicing the bell kick scene for the Karate Kid(2010) with Jackie Chan

My terrified mother and unimpressed uncle meeting Santa 1955

My terrified mother and unimpressed uncle meeting Santa 1955

Rancher shows his thanks to helicopter firefighting crew pilling water off his property

Rancher shows his thanks to helicopter firefighting crew pilling water off his property

Holy toebeans big foot

Holy toebeans big foot
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