

"If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all."
--Oscar Wilde
LemmeLiveInBooks Report User

When celebrities don't have teeth, you should take care of them

When celebrities don't have teeth, you should take care of them

School's Starting Soon

School's Starting Soon

It's so cute!!

It's so cute!!

Just try and stop me!

Just try and stop me!

She ate something, alright.

She ate something, alright.

Step off, b*tch.

Step off, b*tch.

All he wanted was a nice, cute picture.

Being out in public like

Being out in public like

Ha! "Unfinished Muppet"

Ha! "Unfinished Muppet"

Shut up, Sarah, no one wants your negativity!

Shut up, Sarah, no one wants your negativity!